NPR Science

In a former life I was a journalist, covering mostly science, tech, and health for various national publications. Collection of works below:

My work @ NPR's Science Desk

The Salt


Goats & Soda

The Daily Northwestern

Works @ Medill

The following projects were produced for Medill Classes

  • Northwestern Hunger Strike of 1995 
    • Combined archival research, multimedia reporting and front-end web development skills (HTML, CSS, jQuery) to create an interactive journalism project on the legacy of the 1995 Asian American hunger strikes at Northwestern University. (Group project by: Yunita Ong, Ina Yang/Medill.)
  • JOUR 408 Photojournalism (Graduate course)
  • CPS Teachers Sustain Underfunded After-School Programs
    • An education is a valuable asset, but the greatest learning for some students occurs after the last bell rings at after-school programs. Public schools in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood contain high percentages of low-income children. With funding scarce, teachers give their time and money to sustain the programs because of the kids’ enthusiasm. (Group reporting by: Kevin Casey, Vesko Cholakov, Ina Yang, Killian Young/Medill.)
  • Local bookbox thrives in Edgewater
    • Shake Rattle & Read, a local used books and records store located on Broadway and Lawrence, has been around for 47 years, and plans to keep going. Ric Addy, store owner since 1986, tells the story of his store and its changes. (Ina Yang/Medill)